Get Paid to Comment on Blogs and Forums


Postloop is a one of kind site that pays you to write quality comments on blogs and forums! Why not get paid to do what you you'd normally do for free! I have been with this site for a while now and enjoy using it! 

How To 

To Sign up at Postloop click here. Once you have signed up you will have to do 10 test comments/posts before you can begin earning. These are very important! Once you have completed those 10 they will be graded and you will given a score of 1-5.
The higher your score the more you get paid. A higher score will also open up more forums and blogs for you. 


  • Write quality meaningful posts.
  • Use correct spelling and grammar.
  • Proofread your posts before you submit them.
  • Write at least 3 sentences.


  • Write short incomplete or one word sentences. (Example; Awesome, I agree, Love it, etc)
  • Use shorthand words like lol, plz, smh, rofl, etc.
  • Use inappropriate language.
  • Mention Postloop anywhere within any of the blogs or forums.
  • Do not advertise any thing within these 10 post. Not your blogs, your referral links, nothing, even if its related or relevant to the topic! 


Postloop uses a point system. You have to have a total of 100 points to withdraw Paypal. If you don't have a Paypal account you should really consider getting one. It is free and easy to sign up! 


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